kindle fire

美 [ˈkɪndl ˈfaɪər]英 [ˈkɪndl ˈfaɪə(r)]
  • 网络亚马逊;烈火
kindle firekindle fire
  1. They are also more expensive than rival products such as Kindle Fire and Google 's Nexus 7 .


  2. ( the kindle fire uses a version of Android too . )


  3. When the first kindle fire arrived last year , some critics and users were quick to judge .


  4. Should kindle fire by wonderful device ?


  5. The first to arrive , the 7-inch kindle fire HD , is entirely new .


  6. The Kindle Fire will enter a hugely competitive market , dominated by Apple 's iPad .


  7. Prime members who buy a kindle fire can stream movies through Amazon for free , for example .


  8. All happy kindle fire customers , to paraphrase Tolstoy , are the same .


  9. The new kindle fire HD tops out at $ 499 , and including wireless service costs $ 548 in the first year .


  10. The kindle fire , he says , likely to be one of the first Android Tablet to drive those share gains .


  11. The variance between the two research firms first arose in September , in preliminary estimates right after the Kindle Fire was first announced .


  12. The Kindle Fire , which will be available from mid-November in America , will cost only $ 199 .


  13. Then , the company announced that each of its kindle fire tablets would come with a free month of membership in the box .


  14. Compared to the nook tablet , the all-black kindle fire is somewhat of a wall flower .


  15. Its Kindle Fire is an Android device . Also , it is one of the only tablets with meaningful sales besides the iPad .


  16. What Amazon needs next is a steeply rising sales curve for the Kindle Fire , which could provide the necessary scale to challenge Apple .


  17. Last fall saw the high-profile release of the kindle fire tablet , a device many analysts believe Amazon initially sold at a loss .


  18. Among them : Amazon ( for its Kindle Fire tablets and Fire phone ) and the Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi .


  19. The firm 's huge scale and its massively popular website , which it will use to promote the Kindle Fire , give it an edge .


  20. Amazon ( AMZN ) is reportedly testing a service that will let kindle fire users buy items and subscriptions via mobile apps .


  21. The asus-manufactured 7-inch tablet easily eclipsed the kindle fire .


  22. On September 28th Jeff Bezos , Amazon 's boss , unveiled a tablet computer called the Kindle Fire .


  23. Question is , can the nexus 7 eclipse the kindle fire and compete with whatever Apple may unveil in the coming months ?


  24. But according to Cowen analyst Kevin Kopelman , Amazon will sell only 12 million kindle fire units this year .


  25. The forthcoming Amazon Kindle Fire sports a screen size of 7 inches , compared with the 9.7-inch display of the iPad .


  26. Google released its Nexus 7 tablet to go head-to-head with the Amazon Kindle Fire , and equipped it with Jelly Bean .


  27. The Kindle Fire takes Amazon 's wildly popular services and presents them in a solid piece of hardware with a responsive , easy-to-understand interface that works .


  28. Who is there even among you that would shut the doors for nought ? neither do ye kindle fire on mine altar for nought .


  29. Amazon 's Kindle Fire tablet ranked second , with 5.7 % of Web traffic , followed by Samsung 's Galaxy tablets , with 4.2 % .


  30. Late last year , when the Amazon ( AMZN ) kindle fire was selling well , it was believed that it could be a credible iPad threat .
